RID - Green Waste
Green Waste
Many residents do not realise that dumping green waste in natural bushland leads to a degradation of the environment as well as affecting the scenic and recreational values of the area.
Garden or green waste is any material from your garden including:
- lawn clippings
- branches / palm fronds
- weeds
- leaves
- seeds and fruits
- other unwanted garden waste
Why is it a problem?
Dumping of garden waste in bushland is a problem for many reasons including:
- it may contain seeds/cuttings that will grow in natural bushland
- many of these plants become environmental weeds
- lawn clippings contain thousands of grass seeds and cuttings that grow wherever they are dumped
- it poses an increased fire threat in bushland and fire break areas
- weeds compete with local native plants
- native plants have adapted to low nutrient levels and dumped garden waste increases the nutrient levels in soil
- higher nutrient levels increase the prevalence of weeds and are detrimental to native plant species
- loss of native plant species affects native animals reliant on these species for food and/or shelter.
Report Illegal Dumping today via RIDonline. More information can be obtained from the NSW EPA site.