Services, Fees & Charges
Contract Spraying
The Illawarra District Weeds Authority (IDWA) has thirty (30) years’ experience in carrying out spraying operations. IDWA staff are fully trained and accredited under the Pesticides Act 1999 and have a sound working knowledge of the O.H and S Act 2000 and Work Health and Safety Act 2011. Vehicles and equipment are fully maintained by Kiama Council’s workshop.
The IDWA currently operates two modern 4WDs equipped with Quik-Spray retractable hose reels and pump with approximately 150 metres of nylon hose, coupled to a 600 litre fiberglass tank. The vehicles are equipped with hazard warning lights and roadside signage conforming to Australian Standards. The vehicles are also equipped with mobile phone and 2-way radio if required.
In addition the IDWA has various hand sprayers including knapsacks and gas guns.
Please refer to the current fees and charges notice for our rates.